Script Storyboard

INTRODUCTION After completing the short story writing project, it’s time for our final project– script writing. We started by identifying a script, then we watched the opening scene of Harry Potter and wrote a script for it. After that, we started writing our own script. I searched for ideas, then it came to me that […]


INTRODUCTION After completing the story arc and the plot diagram (here is a link to my previous post, reading the previous post prior to this one will improve your reading experience!)for our new project– writing a short story, our class started to draft our story. Mrs. Tremonte gave us several lessons on improving our short story, these lessons include […]


INTRODUCTION This post is a warm up practice in which we watch prompts and write down our ideas as responses. This time, our prompts are three vines. In the blog post below, the original vines and my responses are displayed below.   No.1 BOY IN THE FOG The sky was covered with gray acids, known […]